A Study on High School English Teacher’s Feedback Based on Conversation Analysis Theory: Taking Listening and Speaking Class as an Example


  • Qing Kang Author




teacher’s feedback, conversation analysis, turn-taking, discourse pattern


The English Curriculum Standards for Ordinary High Schools puts forward that teaching should focus on the improvement of students' language ability. The interaction between teachers and students is an important part of the classroom and one of the most important ways to improve learners’ language ability. English teachers’ classroom discourse is an important medium for English teachers to organize classroom teaching and impart knowledge. Classroom turn-taking can reflect the fluency, quantity and style of classroom communication. Based on the theory of conversation analysis, this research takes one of the 15th National High School English High-Quality Classes as the research object, listening and speaking lessen as the research class type, and transcribes and analyzes classroom teaching video. Through the research, this research aims to find the types of teachers’ classroom feedback used frequently in classroom and the influence of teachers’ discourse pattern on students’ turn-taking. And the writer finds that teacher tends to use single positive feedback most frequently in classroom, and IRF discourse pattern is the major discourse structure in the classroom. So students have a little chance to get the turn from their teachers and most of the time the class is still dominated by the teacherand students don’t need to open a new turn.



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How to Cite

Kang, Q. (2024). A Study on High School English Teacher’s Feedback Based on Conversation Analysis Theory: Taking Listening and Speaking Class as an Example. International Journal of Humanities and Education Development (IJHED), 6(1), 1-7. https://doi.org/10.22161/jhed.6.1.1

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