The effect of stress on the teaching performance of primary school teachers in Tsirang Dzongkhag
This study aims to determine the reasons for stress among teachers of primary schools in Tsirang Dzongkhag in Bhutan. The study sought to find out how work-related stress could affect the productivity of teachers of Tsirang Dzongkhag in the dispensation of quality education. The research included both quantitative and qualitative methods. The target population was a hundred and ten (110) teachers from the twelve (12) public schools in Tsirang Dzongkhag. However, a sample of six (6) teachers was selected using random sampling for the qualitative data using Focus Group Discussion (FGD).
Data was gathered from both primary and secondary sources, and descriptive statistics were used to analyse it. The researchers correlated the variables using the Scientific Package for Social Scientists (SPSS) for quantitative data and MAXQAD for qualitative data. The results of the analysis were presented using frequency tables, bar graphs, and pie charts. The study produced a research report on the primary elements that cause stress among teachers in Tsirang Dzongkhag and highlight gaps that need to be filled by other researchers.
This study found that the most common source of occupational stress for teachers was workload, followed by student misbehaviour and frequent policy and program changes. Respondents also proposed reducing workload by maintaining a teacher-student ratio of 1:24, minimising teacher roles and responsibilities with appropriate teaching staff, review of SPMS, IWP, BPST, and leadership commitment to employee-related issues to relieve stress.
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