Mechanisms employed by heads of public secondary schools to control teaching and learning activities in Bukombe District, Geita, Tanzania
School management mechanisms play a crucial role in the education sector since they influence students' behavior and academic performance. School administration mechanisms are of paramount importance to the education sector enhancement. The study aim was to explore the Mechanisms employed by heads of public secondary schools to control teaching and learning activities. The research employed the Transformational Leadership Theory developed by Downton in 1973. It utilized a mixed research approach with an embedded design. A sample of 75 participants was used for data collection. The research instruments included questionnaires and interview. Quantitative data was analyzed using SPSS version 23, while qualitative data was subjected to thematic analysis, involving coding, categorization, and theme development. The study revealed that the mechanisms applied by heads of schools appeared to be ineffective in enhancing academic performance. study recommends that the Ministry of Education, Vocational Training, and the Prime Minister's Office - Regional Administration and Local Government (MOEVT and PO-RALG) should reconsider and enhance the managerial abilities of school heads, particularly in strategies for controlling teaching and learning activities, in order to improve performance in secondary schools.
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