Criteria used to determine the equitable distribution of learning resources in public secondary schools in Misungwi District, Mwanza, Tanzania
Learning resources are important because they are utilized as the primary source of information for teachers and students during lessons. The study objective was, to explore the criteria determining equitable distribution of learning resources in public secondary schools. The study used a sequential explanatory mixed research design and was conducted in Misungwi district. The study used Purposive, stratified and simple random sampling to sample 78 respondents out of 718, in public secondary school teachers, Heads of Schools, Ward Education Officers, Ward Executive Officers and District Secondary Education Officer. Qualitative data obtained were analyzed thematically and described using words while quantitative data were analyzed using SPSS version 20.The study findings highlight that while there is a prevailing belief in the importance of the number of the students as a major criterion for learning resource distribution, the practical allocation process does not consistently align with this criterion. Challenges of resource inadequacy and delays reveal a mismatch between intended and actual distribution of leaning resources practices. Additionally, the study emphasizes the significance of factors such as school needs, community engagement, and transparency in influencing distribution decisions.
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