Challenges facing stakeholders' participation in improving teaching and learning process in public secondary schools in Rorya District, Mara, Tanzania
Stakeholder participation is crucial for the success and well-being of any organization. The study aimed to explore challenges facing stakeholder’s participation in improving teaching and learning process in public secondary schools. The study employed an explanatory sequential mixed method design under a mixed research approach where the information was collected through questionnaires, interview guides and documentary reviews. The sample size of this study was 195, and simple random sampling, stratified sampling and purposive sampling techniques were applied to choose the respondents. Quantitative data were analyzed through SPSS version 20, while qualitative information was analyzed thematically. Again, the results of the study show that political interference, lack of awareness, poverty, negligence of some parents, lack of transparency and poor relationships with parents were the major challenges identified to affect stakeholders in supporting teaching and learning process. The study recommended that parents and other stakeholders should be enlightened about their duties and responsibilities in education to enhance their participation in supporting education issues. Additionally, a government should prepare a good policy that clearly states parents’ roles and duties in education to be aware of what they are required to contribute to supporting students’ learning.
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