Administrative Challenges Facing Heads of Public Secondary Schools in the Implementation of Strategic Plans in Kondoa Town Council, Tanzania
This study aimed at examining the administrative challenges that faced heads of public secondary schools in the implementation of the strategic plans in Kondoa Town Council. The study was guided by two objectives; to examine the administrative factors that were affecting the implementation of strategic plans; to explore the possible measures that could curb administrative challenges faced by the heads of school in the implementation of strategic plans. The study employed a convergent parallel design under a mixed research method approach. The study had a sample size of 70 participants which were; secondary schools teachers 61, including one District Education Officer, four ward education officers and 4 heads of schools. Stratified, simple random sampling and purposive techniques were used. Instruments such as; questionnaires that have a correlation coefficient of 0.78 which was high enough to go the field for data collections. Interview guides and document analysis were employed. The quantitative data were analyzed with the aid of the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) software version 20. The gathered data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics and the results were presented using tables, frequency, percentages and figures. Qualitative data were thematically analyzed in terms of categories, themes and report writing. The results of the study specified that the heads of schools were involved in strategic planning however they have limited knowledge and skills, adequate fund, lack of community participation, shortage of teachers, inadequate infrastructure, and political leaders’ interference in executing the strategic plans for the schools which were also a challenge to them. The study recommended that the government should, train heads of schools on how to effectively draw a strategic plan. Furthermore the study recommended that the government should provide a reasonable budget that would facilitate the implementation of strategic plans monitor and evaluate the carrying out the strategic plans through the local government authorities within the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology.
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