The Implementation of Learner Centred Approach and Reposition of Education in Public Secondary Schools in Nyamagana District, Mwanza-Tanzania
Learner Centred Approach has been emphasized in Tanzania for several years since 1995. The country made reforms on various education policies and programs to ensure students are trained through LCA to realize national educational objectives. This study, therefore, sought to assess the implementation of LCA in public secondary schools. The study was guided by four specific objectives. Also, it was anchored on constructivism learning theory developed in 1929 and adopted in the field of education. The researcher employed a mixed research approach and a convergent parallel research design to collect data from the field. The researcher involved teachers, school heads, students, WEOs, and DEO. A sample size of 165 informants was employed to get data in quantitative and qualitative terms. Quantitative data were analyzed through SPSS version 20, while qualitative data were analyzed through the content analysis method by coding, categories, and themes. Validity and reliability of the quantitative instruments were checked to obtain 0.80 coefficients which indicated that the instruments were valid and reliable while for qualitative instruments validity and reliability were tested through triangulation. The findings demonstrated that LCA plays a significant role in developing students’ lifelong learning skills. It develops creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and innovation. Notwithstanding, the study found that teachers and students had a positive perception of the application of LCA, however its implementation in public secondary schools is minimal due to environmental challenges which lead to poor academic performance in students.
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