Information Management Practices and Job Performance of Secretaries in Public Polytechnics in South-west, Nigeria
Secretaries, information management practices, job performanceAbstract
Information explosion has become the order of the day in every organization. With the emergence of ever dynamic technologies, secretaries are expected to upgrade their skills of information management practices to enrich their performance. This necessitates enquiry into influence of information management practices on job performance of secretaries in public polytechnics in South-west, Nigeria. The descriptive research design was adopted in the study and the population comprised 648 secretaries from both federal and state polytechnics in six states of South-west, Nigeria. The sample size was 242 which was determined using the Krejcie and Morgan sample size determination table. A stratified proportionate sampling technique was used to determine the number of questionnaires that was given in each of the institutions. Results showed that the level of information management practices of secretaries under examination is moderate with a mean of 3.32. There was a significant influence of information management practices on job performance of secretaries in public polytechnics in South-west Nigeria (Adj.R2 = 0.328, F(5.212)=22.191,p< 0.05). The study concluded that information management practices have significant influence on job performance of secretaries in public polytechnics in South-west Nigeria. It was therefore, recommended that management of polytechnics in South-west Nigeria should provide training sessions for secretaries to enhance their information management skills. Workshops should be mounted on the use of software tools, managing emails, and organizing digital files efficiently among others.
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