Organizational Culture of Real Estate Industry
Proper organizational culture in the real estate industry should be maintained as agents and other human resources in the real estate sector contend with customers. The study described the profile of real estate human resources. It also described the organizational culture of the real estate industry in terms of: ethical, innovative, customer-responsive, and spiritual. A total of 239 real estate human resources (163 males, and 76 females) were surveyed using a questionnaire with Likert-scale responses. Based on the data gathered, it is then concluded that, first, the Real Estate industry is dominated by males. The result for age may indicate that most of the human resources of the real estate industry are in the age of where they are active in work. Second, the organizational culture reveals that there is a weak establishment of the culture of the industry. It possessed the four dimensions but nevertheless because of diverse human resources it may be difficult to identify its dominant culture. Which serves as the image of every organization. Last, in spite of the presence of RA 9646, individuals are not yet aware of its implementing rules and regulations. It projects the traditional selling and buying of properties which sometimes caused problems to stakeholders. Further, in lieu of the foregoing, it is recommended, first, the upcoming presence of the pioneer graduates of BS Real Estate Management must be equipped with the experiences and best practices of the active members of the industry. Second, it is important for the industry to establish a concrete image of the industry that reflects the organizational culture. Out of the diverse identity of the involved practitioners, there must be focal leaders who will guide the upcoming generation of the practitioners. Last, information dissemination for the awareness of RA 9646 for the professionalism of the industry must participate for the benefit of the stakeholders. Implementation and proper monitoring of this law through the authorized group improve the professionalism in the industry
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