Exploring effective factors for improving instructors’ job satisfaction in vocational and traditional training institutes in Bhutan
This article aims to study the effective factors for improving instructors' job satisfaction in vocational and traditional training institutes in Bhutan. The study was conducted using quantitative and qualitative methods. The population consisted of 75 instructors working in six technical training institutes and one traditional training institute in Bhutan. A descriptive survey was carried out with 75 instructors and interviews were conducted with 33 instructors. The career ladder, conducive learning environment, adequate tools and equipment were the main reasons leading to job satisfaction of the instructors. Institute management also leads to their job satisfaction. Their general opinions indicated that a clear and appropriate career ladder for instructors must be put in place, timely (four years) promotion should be awarded, the conducive working environment should be created, opportunities for training and retraining must be provided and acknowledging their contributions for achieving the common goals of the institute would enhance the instructors’ job satisfaction. Based on the findings, it is recommended to improve and develop the management practices and increase the level of job satisfaction of instructors by extending support from the Ministry of Labour and Human Resources. This should prevent job dissatisfaction and lead to a better-quality training system in Bhutan.
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