Selection of Exercises to Improve the Effectiveness of Physical Education under the Project of Elective Sports Cockpitching for Female Students K2023 Hanoi Metropolitan University
Physical education, Shuttlecock, Students, Exercises, VietnamAbstract
The interview results have selected 36 exercises belonging to 5 exercise groups to improve the effectiveness of physical education according to the project for female Hanoi Metropolitan University students studying the optional sport of shuttlecock, including Group 1: Exercises to develop strength quickly has 7 exercises; Group 2: Strength development exercises have 6 exercises; Group 3: Exercises to develop endurance has 5 exercises; Group 4: Exercises to develop flexibility and coordination has 5 exercises; Group 5: Exercises with the bridge has 13 exercises with an agreement level of > 70% or more and an average score of > 3.41 - 4.20 points.
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