Choose Exercises to Improve Official Efficiency with Left Cup Technique for Left Cuple Asters of Hanoi
Interview results have selected 61 exercises belonging to 6 groups of exercises to improve attacking efficiency with the left-hand cup technique for Hanoi men's soccer players, including: Group 1: Unused exercises instrument has 18 exercises; Group 2: Exercises with equipment and bridge with 10 exercises; Group 3: Movement exercises have 9 exercises; Group 4: The exercises to kick the shuttlecock into the standard object have 11 exercises; Group 5: Exercises with a waiter have 5 exercises and Group 6: Exercises with bridge have 8 exercises with approval at the level of agreement > 70% or more and have an average score of > 3.41 - 4.20 points
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General Department of Sports, Department of Mass Sports (1994), Badminton, Sports Publishing House, Hanoi.

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