A Structural Equation Model on Work Design in Relation to Authentic Leadership, Workplace Spirituality, and Practical Emotional Intelligence of Public Elementary Teachers
The study determined the best fit model for the work design based on authentic leadership, workplace spirituality, and practical emotional intelligence of public elementary teachers. Using e-survey through Google Forms, data was collected from the teachers using a set of modified survey questionnaires that were tested for content validity and reliability. This study used a quantitative descriptive and causal method of research. The statistical tools employed in analyzing the data includes the mean, Pearson-r, and structural equation model (SEM). Results of the study revealed the following: the level of authentic leadership was very high; the level of workplace spirituality was high; the level of practical emotional intelligence was high; and, the level of work design for teachers was high. Moreover, a significant relationship was established between the exogenous and endogenous variables. In addition, authentic leadership, workplace spirituality, and practical emotional intelligence significantly influence work design for teachers. Of the five (5) generated models, Model 5 best fits work design among public elementary teachers with practical emotional intelligence bringing the biggest impact. The model successfully passed all the conventions of a reasonable fit; hence, it is deemed the most parsimonious model.
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