Investigating the Effectiveness of ESL Games and Activities in Developing Listening Skills among ESL Learners
This study aimed to examine the efficacy of using ESL games and activities to enhance ESL learners' listening skills. The study was conducted with participants of 75 from various universities in Kurdistan Region, selected using a stratified random sampling method. The pretest-posttest control group design was employed in this study, in which the experimental group received ESL games and activities, while the control group received traditional listening instruction. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics, independent t-tests, and ANCOVA. The findings of the study revealed that the experimental group outperformed the control group on the post-test, indicating that ESL games and activities had a significant impact on the development of listening skills among ESL learners. This study’s outcomes have several implications for teaching and learning practices. Instructors and curriculum designers could integrate ESL games and activities into their teaching methodologies to make language learning more engaging and interactive. Furthermore, learners could benefit from a more enjoyable and dynamic learning experience. The study’s limitations were that it was conducted in a specific cultural and educational context, which may limit its generalizability. Additionally, the study did not consider individual differences among participants, such as prior language proficiency or motivation levels, which may have influenced the results. In conclusion, this study indicates that ESL games and activities can enhance listening skills among ESL learners. Future research could explore the effectiveness of these methods in different educational settings and with different populations of ESL learners.
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