A Study on Techno-Nationalism, an Emerging Trend in the 21st Century India


  • Dr. P. Gopikrishna Author
  • Dr. J. Anil Premraj Author
  • Dr. A. Manikandan Author
  • Dr. M. Vinothkumar Author
  • R. Ajayendra Author
  • Dr. S. Raja Author
  • Chen Chen E. Dasigan Author
  • R. Nivardhan Author
  • D. Harish Author
  • Dr. A. Rushikesava Author
  • M.Venkata Sai Koushik Author




Covid-19, Economy, Industries, Indians, Imports, Make in India, Media, Nationalism, Startups, Social, Technology, Trade, Trend, 4.0


Techno-nationalism is a nationalistic and ideological movement that also serves to understand the social and cultural effects of technology on the citizens of a country. Techno-nationalism is a fusion of the two words "Technology and Nationalism," in which they are politically focused together on the advancement of the country in terms of technology and its related dynamics. Initially, it was started in Europe and North America, then later in the twentieth century, various nations begin to make use of Techno-nationalism, and China has mastered this concept for their advancement. anyway, the main objective of this paper is to examine and prove the roots and growth of the Techno-nationalist movement in the world as well as in India and China's hostility to the emergence of Techno-nationalism in India and in its citizens with the support of different eminent references. In this context, a survey also conducted to prove the emergence of the Techno-nationalism in India. Respondents are common Indian people who will fall within the categories of different sectors and analyzed this data through the references of many technological, cultural, scientific, social, historical theories respectively.


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How to Cite

Gopikrishna, D. P., Premraj, D. J. A., Manikandan, D. A., Vinothkumar, D. M., Ajayendra, R., Raja, D. S., Dasigan, C. C. E., Nivardhan, R., Harish, D., Rushikesava, D. A., & Koushik, M. S. (2024). A Study on Techno-Nationalism, an Emerging Trend in the 21st Century India. International Journal of Humanities and Education Development (IJHED), 6(1), 30-42. https://doi.org/10.22161/jhed.6.1.5

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