The influence of Perceived Leadership Styles on Employee Commitment: The Mediating Role of Conflict Management
The aim of this study is to identify the relationship between leadership styles and employee commitment among employees working in the pharmaceutical industry, mediated by conflict management. The study adopted quantitative research method to examine the current study, a sample size of 110 employees was selected from the pharmaceutical companies in Kurdistan. Junior employees who had worked in the interested organizations for the past 10 years and deemed to have substantial dealing with supervisors and managers were purposively selected. Findings revealed that; the first research hypothesis is supported which stated that leadership styles will positively and significantly influence employee commitment at pharmaceutical companies in Kurdistan. Moreover, as for the conflict management as the mediation role between each leadership style (transactional, transformational, and charismatic) and employee commitment, the findings revealed that; conflict management has a positive and significant mediation role between all mentioned leadership styles and employee commitment, moreover the findings showed that the highest value was the mediation role of conflict management between transactional leadership and employee commitment, on the other hand the lowest value was the mediation role of conflict management between transformational leadership and employee commitment.
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