Conception of Professionalism and Horizons in Acupuncture Sciences in Students of the Degree in Human Rehabilitation Acupuncture


  • Miguel Alberto Gutiérrez Nava Author
  • Saharaim Joseline Montiel Castillo Author
  • Nubia Denisse Nieto Vargas Author
  • Isaac Casas Patiño Author



The curricularization of the extension in the Rehabilitation Human Acupuncture axis is of great importance due to the health need that exists in the State of Mexico. The objective of this work was to evaluate the conception of professionalism and horizons in Acupuncture Sciences that the students of the Bachelor of Rehabilitation Human Acupuncture have in the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh semesters of the State University of Valle de Ecatepec. Material and methods: An exploratory analysis was carried out in which a questionnaire of 10 open questions focused on the conception of professionalism was used for all students from the fourth to the seventh semester, later an analysis of the keywords of each question was made. to determine the words that had the highest degree of coincidence. The results: (P1) professionalism is related to having the necessary knowledge and correctly practicing acupuncture and rehabilitation; (P2) Knowledge and correct practice of the profession are characteristics of a good professional in Acupuncture; (P3) Knowledge, empathy and a good diagnosis are important skills that a graduate in Rehabilitation Human Acupuncture must have; (P4) Acupuncture as a degree is perceived as interesting, preventive and an excellent career; (P5) For the students, being licensed in Rehabilitation Human Acupuncture means helping; (P6) The skills that the students have developed during their training as graduates in human acupuncture and rehabilitation are observation, the ability to help, acupuncture support techniques, analysis, correct diagnosis and development of critical thinking; (P7) Acupuncture is viewed in 20 years as complementary and nationally and internationally recognized; (P8) The biosciences have an impact on the training as a graduate in rehabilitative human acupuncture so that they can integrate the knowledge acquired, understand the human body and give scientific support to acupuncture; (P9) The field of work in which the students are visualized is in an independent office; (P10) The area in which the students surveyed would like to specialize is rehabilitation and do a master's degree to broaden their knowledge.


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How to Cite

Gutiérrez Nava, M. A., Montiel Castillo, S. J., Nieto Vargas, N. D., & Patiño, I. C. (2023). Conception of Professionalism and Horizons in Acupuncture Sciences in Students of the Degree in Human Rehabilitation Acupuncture. International Journal of Humanities and Education Development (IJHED), 5(2), 60-71.