A Study on Digital Competency Examining the Readiness of Junior High School Teachers in Dairi Regency to Implement the Independent Curriculum
This study aims to examine the readiness of teachers in implementing the independent curriculum in junior high schools in Dairi district assessed from digital competence. Where the independent curriculum is a program that gives freedom and autonomy to educational institutions and bureaucracies. And also the independent curriculum demands innovative learning which includes project-based learning, skills and character development and a flexible curriculum structure. This research is a qualitative field research with qualitative methods. Respondents in this study were teachers at SMP Negeri 3, SMP Negeri 1, and SMP Negeri 1 Pinem. Data were collected through observation, interviews, questionnaires. The results showed that the teacher's skills when assessed from digital competence from the aspect of data information literacy are ready with an average competency level of 73.05% and aspects of communication and collaboration are quite familiar with the presentation level of 85.79%, and aspects of digital content creation can be categorized as sufficient with a presentation of 55.25%. The conclusion is that the availability of teachers in implementing the independent curriculum in State Junior High Schools in Dairi Regency is quite good, but in the aspect of creating digital content, it still needs attention and training so that teachers can develop digital content tailored to learning and students.
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