Exploring Grade 9 Students' Perspectives on Game-Based Learning in Social Studies
This study investigates the perceptions of Grade 9 students at General de Jesus College towards game-based learning in the context of Social Studies Education. A quantitative research design was employed, utilizing a total population sampling technique that encompassed all 271 Grade 9 students of General de Jesus College for the academic year 2023-2024. The findings of this study reveal that students strongly agree that enforcing game-based learning is highly effective in increasing their engagement with the material, maintaining their concentration, and enhancing their overall interest in studying Social Studies. This suggests that incorporating game-based activities into the curriculum could be a valuable strategy for educators aiming to improve student participation and learning outcomes in this subject. The data gathered implies that this educational game approach through game-based learning has been significantly beneficial to students in studying the subject matter. Additionally, this study also suggested that educators, especially Social Studies teachers need often to utilize game-based activities such as quizzes and puzzle games to cater to students’ learning. After a thorough investigation, the study concluded that incorporating game-based learning inside the classroom significantly enhances students' engagement, retains their concentration, and increases their interest in learning Social Studies.
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