Investigating the Effectiveness of Online Interactive Modules on Enhancing Mathematical Proficiency in Grade VI Students of Phuentsholing Primary School
This study examined the effectiveness of online interactive modules in improving mathematical proficiency among Grade VI students in Phuentsholing Primary School, focusing on the concepts of ordering fractions and rotation. The mixed-methods approach was used where 27 students participated inĀ three-week intervention involving online learning tools. Data were collected through pre-tests and post-tests, surveys, and observations. The results were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 22) and it demonstrated significant improvement in students' understanding, with mean test scores increasing from 2.00 to 4.96 for ordering fractions, and from 0.63 to 4.63 for rotation. Surveys indicated a positive shift in students' perceptions towards using digital tools for learning, with increased engagement and enjoyment. Qualitative analysis was derived through thematic coding and it revealed that dynamic simulations and instant feedback were key elements in facilitating understanding. Despite overall gains, some students continued to find the rotation concept challenging, as reflected in the higher post-test score variability. The study highlighted the potential of online interactive modules to enhance mathematical learning, suggesting further exploration into differentiated support for complex topics. These findings have implications for integrating technology in educational practices in Bhutan.
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