AI Development in Germany After the Publication of German Nation AI Strategy, Problems and Solutions


  • Reza Nicknam Ph.D. in International Relations Author
  • Seyyed Rouhollah Hadj Zargarbashi Assistant Professor of the Department of International Relations, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran Author
  • Abtin Safavipour MA in Studies of German-speaking Countries Author



Germany’s effort to develop AI and make progress in this field became coherent and systematic after the publication of the German National AI Strategy in 2018. Germany’s effort in AI development has four trends, namely the integration of AI in society and economy, building and maintaining the AI ecosystem, strengthening the country in terms of infrastructure and data, and finally research and development, which constitutes the essence and backbone of all the other trends. To drive its efforts forward in each trend, Germany should overcome the respective challenges. Furthermore, due to the novelty of the subject of AI and its fast-developing nature, AI has posed some challenges and issues in legal, political, and social fields that need to be addressed swiftly. Germans dominantly address these challenges either on national or European levels and mainly resort to research and academia, their mighty industrial sector, and legislation on federal and European levels to do so.


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How to Cite

Nicknam, R., Zargarbashi, S. R. H., & Safavipour, A. (2024). AI Development in Germany After the Publication of German Nation AI Strategy, Problems and Solutions. International Journal of Humanities and Education Development (IJHED), 6(5), 68-81.