Development of Character Education Curriculum Management Based on the Integration of Pancasila Values in PAUD Tampahan District Toba Regency


  • Rosalinda Septiani Sitompul Tarutung State Institute of Christian Religion, Indonesia Author
  • Binur Panjaitan Tarutung State Institute of Christian Religion, Indonesia Author
  • Arip Surpi Sitompul Tarutung State Institute of Christian Religion, Indonesia Author



Education management according to Law No. 20/2003 Article 1 Paragraph 1 includes planning, organizing, directing and controlling educational resources to develop human potential holistically, including mental, moral and physical. Character education management emphasizes developing learners' characters with moral values such as honesty, responsibility and tolerance. The integration of character values in the curriculum aims to create academically intelligent and highly moral individuals. In PAUD Tampahan sub- district, the current Curriculum 2013 (K13) focuses more on academic and cognitive aspects, while character development and Pancasila values receive less attention. K13, which refers to Minister of Education and Culture Regulation No. 146 of 2014, has not been optimal in emphasizing Pancasila-based character education. Based on observation, 70% of PAUD teachers felt the need for a more structured curriculum to teach Pancasila values. This research aims to: (a) to produce a character education curriculum management design based on the integration of Pancasila values in PAUD Tampahan District, Toba Regency, and (b) to find Pancasila values that are integrated and their implementation in daily learning. This research is a Research and Development (R&D) that aims to develop and validate a character education curriculum based on Pancasila values for PAUD. The curriculum design was developed through four stages: (1) Planning: Identifying the need for character education based on Pancasila values, with 70% of PAUD teachers stating the need for a structured curriculum. (2) Organizing: Establishing the structure and components of the curriculum, including learning objectives, core competencies, and basic competencies. (3) Implementation: Pilot testing of the curriculum at Jagung PAUD showed 88% of learners in the "Developing as expected" category and 12% in the "Developing Very Well" category, with no learners in the "Not Developing" or "Beginning to Develop" categories. (4) Monitoring: Pre-test and post-test evaluations showed an increase in learner development, indicating the success of the curriculum.This curriculum integrates 10 of the 18 values of national character building according to Syarbaini (2011), namely: Sincerity, Unity, Mutual cooperation, Deliberation, Cooperation, Harmony, Patriotism, Simplicity, Dignity and self-respect, and Hard work.


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How to Cite

Sitompul, R. S., Panjaitan, B., & Sitompul, A. S. (2024). Development of Character Education Curriculum Management Based on the Integration of Pancasila Values in PAUD Tampahan District Toba Regency. International Journal of Humanities and Education Development (IJHED), 6(5), 52-60.