The Effect of Human Resources Quality and Work Commitment on Employee Performance of Regional Drinking Water Company Mual Na Tio Tarutung


  • Niarita Bukit Sisingamangaraja XII Tapanuli University, Indonesia Author
  • Holmes Rajagukguk Sisingamangaraja XII Tapanuli University, Indonesia Author
  • Samsul Hutasoit Sisingamangaraja XII Tapanuli University, Indonesia Author



This study aims to determine and analyze how the influence of human resources and work commitment on the performance of employees of the regional drinking water company mual na tio tarutung. The research approach used is descriptive quantitative and supported by secondary data. The type of data used is primary data obtained from the results of questionnaire data processing and secondary data obtained from data processing and observation. The data analysis technique starts from distributing questionnaires to respondents, then processing the data with validity tests, reliability tests, classical assumption tests, correlation coefficient tests, multiple linear regression analysis, multiple correlation coefficient significance tests (F-test), and finally drawing conclusions.The results of research and discussion can be obtained that the relationship between variable X1 with variable Y is rhiting (0.633) > rtabel (0.226) it is concluded that there is a significant relationship between the quality of human resources (X1 ) and employee performance (Y). And based on the guidelines for interpreting the correlation coefficient, the coefficient found of 0.633 is included in the strong category. So there is a strong relationship between the Quality of Human Resources (X1) with employee performance (Y) at the Regional Drinking Water Company Mual Na Tio Tarutung.Vaiabel X2 relationship with variable Y is rhiting (0.633) > rtabel (0.226) it is concluded that there is a significant relationship between Work Commitment (X2) with employee performance (Y). And based on the guidelines for interpreting the correlation coefficient, the coefficient found of 0.633 is included in the strong category. So there is a strong relationship between work commitment (X2) with employee performance (Y) at the Regional Drinking Water Company Mual Na Tio Tarutung.


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How to Cite

Bukit, N. ., Rajagukguk, H. ., & Hutasoit, S. . (2024). The Effect of Human Resources Quality and Work Commitment on Employee Performance of Regional Drinking Water Company Mual Na Tio Tarutung. International Journal of Humanities and Education Development (IJHED), 6(5), 47-51.