Knowledge and Impact of Heads of Schools Administrative Training on School Financial Management in Public Secondary Schools in Mbeya Rural District, Mbeya Region, Tanzania


  • Thadeo Chundu Department of Education, University of Iringa, Iringa, Tanzania Author
  • Lucas Mwahombela Department of Education, University of Iringa, Iringa, Tanzania Author
  • Brown Gwambene Department of Education, University of Iringa, Iringa, Tanzania Author



School management are responsible for demonstrating accountability, transparency and delegating financial responsibility. The head of school is also responsible for income, expenditure, book-keeping, and other accounting works. This study examined the knowledge and impact of heads of schools administrative training on school financial management control in public secondary schools in Mbeya rural district. The primary data were collected using questionnaire and interview guide from 66 respondets. The sample was chosen from each selected secondary school teachers using simple random sampling technique and head of school using purposive sampling techniques. The data were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS ver. 20) for quantitative data and content analysis for qualitative data. The study results revealed that, heads of schools have knowledge about procedures of getting school funds as planned. During making school budget staff members are involved to make decision as the way of disseminating knowledge and skills on the subject matter. The study recommend that school administration should promote teamwork with all essential stakeholders particularly making decisions about various school budgetary issues. Government should ensure that heads of schools mainly in most public secondary schools undergo effective training about proper management of school financial resources for the sake of general school development.


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How to Cite

Chundu, T., Mwahombela, L., & Gwambene, B. (2024). Knowledge and Impact of Heads of Schools Administrative Training on School Financial Management in Public Secondary Schools in Mbeya Rural District, Mbeya Region, Tanzania. International Journal of Humanities and Education Development (IJHED), 6(5), 36-46.