English Teaching in Cyberculture: A Brief Analysis
The present study aimed to comparatively analyze the potential of BBC Learning English and Memrise platforms, in inclusive English teaching. This is a qualitative-interpretative research based in exploratory approach which methodological-theoretical framework is anchored to the Bakhtinian dialogic language conception, to the second language acquisition theory to the Computer-Assisted Language Learning theory), to multiliteracies; and to the English use as a Lingua Franca. For the analysis, we have built a matrix based on the English language acquisition context. The analysis steps ran through the evaluation matrix building, the exploration and development of a comparative study of BBC learning and Memrise platforms on the defined parameters. To the parameters building, the linguistic, methodological, and accessibility aspects in the websites were considered. After analyzing BBC learning English and Memrise, it was identified that they do not encompass dialogical language acquisition and the concept of multiliteracies.
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