The Implementation of Guilford Learning Production Dimensions in Ninth Grade Students of SMP Negeri I Sipahutar Tapanuli Utara
The aims of this study is to apply Guilford's production dimensions in mathematics learning, especially algebraic units in story problems and to find out whether the application of Guilford's production dimensions is effective for teaching algebraic units in the story problems. The subjects in this study is ninth grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Sipahutar Tapanuli Utara, while the object was student learning outcomes as a result of learning by applying Guilford's production dimensions to the algebra unit in the story questions. This research is classified as classroom action research, the results of data analysis show that learning mathematics by applying Guilford's production theory to the algebra unit has been completed, the level of student mastery in learning is 78.92%, this shows that the level of student mastery is still classified as moderate, the absorption of individual students is obtained by 32 people from 35 students or 91.42% of many subjects have completed learning, thus classical achievement has been completed, the achievement of specific learning objectives is all completely achieved (achieved in over 65%), during learning with the application of Guilford production theory in the algebra unit. From the results of the questionnaire given to students, it shows that students' responses to learning with the application of Guilford's production dimension theory are positive.
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