Mental Health of Students in the Philippines during Pandemic: An assessment
This research was made to assess the mental health and psychological wellness during the community quarantine of the 500 selected students from the College of Management and Business Technology (CMBT), of Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology (NEUST). The CMBT was located at Sumacab, Cabanatuan City, Philippines. The outcomes of the present study will be beneficial and valuable to the following: To the students. The result of this study will provide necessary pieces of information of the mental health of the student which could be a great help to the respondents in understanding themselves. It can also help them to be more aware about mental and psychological health through the help of the recommendation of the researchers; To the Parents. The results of this study will be beneficial to the parents having children who have the same age bracket as the respondents. The recommendations will help them in dealing with the problems with their children’s mental health issues which is not easy to know. To the School. The results of this study can help the school as well as the guidance counselors to know what the main problem of the students is and immediately formulate actions to avoid possible negative effects that can harm the well-being of the students under their supervision. To the Philippine Mental Health Association, Inc. The results of this study will strengthen their promotion of mental health and the prevention of mental health disorders. Lastly, this will also be beneficial to future researchers to draw pertinent results to their studies. The researchers used a set of a survey questionnaire in gathering pertinent data. The questionnaires were disseminated via an online Google form survey sent to the respondents. After all the data needed were gathered, the frequencies of answers in each question were tallied and their percentage was obtained. Through these, the researchers obtained well conclusions and suitable recommendations.
© 2020 American Psychological Association 750 First St. NE,
Washington, DC20002-4242
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