The Effects of Using Smartboard in Teaching and Learning a Foreign Language
The following study reviews the advantages attached to the use of smartboards in the facilitation of the teaching and learning process. The content covered below is therefore majorly categorized into two parts. The first part of the research will address the incorporation of this method in the teaching process of foreign languages and the resultant benefits of the same. Then, the research will look into the use of smartboards in the learning process and the effectiveness of the method to improve the understanding ability of the learners. The case study includes 10 participants who are learners from Saudi university who learn English as a foreign language. The participants of the research were picked via random sampling and were put under the study for a period of one week in order to acquire the intended information from them. Each of the above categories was composed of five learners. The research mostly incorporated questionnaires in both closed and open forms before the activity as well as after to retrieve the necessary data. This data also reflected on the student motivation and attitude towards learning English as a foreign language (Akbari, Z. 2015).
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