Subaltern Consciousness and Resistance to Hierarchical Hegemony in the Selected Fictions of Legendary Writer- Mahashweta Devi
Mahashweta Devi was a legend in the regional adivasi literature writings. In a true sense, she had taken the responsibilities to give the voices to the marginalized adivasi who were suppressed from the centuries. Her translated novel Chotti Munda and His Arrow was the pathbreaking novel in the field of regional translation. For the first time Birsa Munda, the legendary martyr and adivasi icon of whole Adivasis in India was known through her magnificent novel. During the colonial ruling, the adivasi territory was interrupted by the Britisher’s tax policies and the oppressive treatment of the landlords. The present novel shows the realism of the adivasi struggle. Present research article tries to examine the issues of subalternity, migration, resistance and search for existential issues of the indigenous communities who stood against the internal colonization of the feudal lords in Indian society.
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