Exploring Secondary Students' Reading Motivation
Reading is a life-long process, and having the knowledge and skill of reading is an added advantage. Despite its importance, relatively little has been done to examine student reading motivation particularly with Bhutanese secondary students. This study aimed to identify the student factors related to reading motivation. A sample of 155 students using a simple random sampling method was recruited for this study in one Western district of Bhutan. The study was quantitative in design and have utilized a cross-sectional self-reported survey questionnaire for data collection and analyses. The researchers developed the instruments based on relevant literature and were validated by experts from Bhutan and Thailand before the pilot testing. The result of the pilot test yielded internal reliability > 0.7. The findings of the main study showed that students' opinions towards factors related to reading motivation were high with (Mean=3.90). Likewise, the results of the t-test revealed that gender did not differ in the reading motivation, and further, one-way ANOVA tests also did not show a presence of statistically significant differences student’s age, parents work type, parent's level of education and finally, the parent's level of income.
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