The impact of academic performance on self-esteem among the female students studying in different colleges under Royal University of Bhutan
The current study was carried out among the female students of The Royal University of Bhutan to evaluate the relationship between academic performance and self-esteem, and the factors affecting self-esteem. The study adopted concurrent triangulation design of mixed methodology to collect and analyse the data. A total of 491 female students participated in the survey and of which 34 of them participated in focus-group interview. The result of the quantitative analysis showed that there is a positive relationship between academic performance and self-esteem (rho=.170, p<.05), which attests to the similar earlier findings. Qualitative analysis explored Ackerman’s nine factors influencing self-esteem. Of the nine factors influencing self-esteem, parental influence was shown to have the most effect on the participants’ self-esteem. Based on the findings, the current study made a number of recommendations.
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