Review on the Implementation and Localization of TBLT in China


  • Wensha Zheng Author



Task-based language teaching approach is a popular and powerful teaching approach in foreign language teaching. However, the researches in its application and localization are rare. This article takes teachers’ and students’ perspectives as study object, trying to find out their different or identical views about TBLT. What’ more, the advice towards the mismatches is beneficial to the later study of TBLT in China. Researches find that teachers’ belief in FLT are not consistent to TBLT, and they have low confidence in implementing it. Students hold more positive views about TBLT, and they become more confident after a semester’s learning. Advice suggest that more teacher training is needed, and it is important for teachers to interact with students both in class and out of class.


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How to Cite

Zheng, W. (2021). Review on the Implementation and Localization of TBLT in China. International Journal of Humanities and Education Development (IJHED), 3(3), 84-90.