The Management and Operation of Presently Registered Milk Tea Store in Cabanatuan City
Milk Tea Industry has evolved rapidly compared to the other business industry. This study was undertaken to know the profile of the milk tea store, the management and operation, the SWOT analysis, and the problems encountered by the Milk Tea store in Cabanatuan City. Ten (10) Milk Tea stores around Cabanatuan City were included in the study. Various techniques for data gathering were used like informal interviews, observation and questionnaires. The researcher discovered that most of the Milk Tea store operated ranging from one to five years and majority of them has three maximum numbers of branches with an initial capital of not more than one hundred thousand. Most of the respondents have earned average weekly sales of not more than twenty thousand pesos. Each Milk Tea store has different numbers of employees. They met and always maintained the management quality standards of the organization’s operation. Few of them used direct advertising and discount promo as a tool in promoting their business. The taste of their products is what attracted the customers most. Results of the study also showed the continuous effort of the owners in making strategies that can help and improve their business like making the image of their products more appealing and healthier to their customers. Current challenges faced by the respondents are: there was a fast entry of competitors; the scandal issue directly affected the business as well the behavior of the consumers. But in spite of that, management of different Milk Tea Stores always remain positive, confident and ready to device ways on resolving problems
References 3013591 milktea.htm etd- 10302008120535/unrestricted/ LD5655.V855_1979.K52.pdf 418_430.pdf

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