The study on the effectiveness of soft skill subjects in Public TVET Institutes in Bhutan
The purpose of this study is to find out the effectiveness of soft skills subjects being taught in Public TVET Institute in Bhutan. The study was conducted using a mixed-mode research approach. A total of 30 TVET graduates were involved as respondents in collecting data for this research. The primary data for the study were collected through structured questions and informal interviews from the respondents. The data were analyzed through the process of thematic data analysis.
The findings of this study revealed that the effectiveness of soft skill subjects taught and learned in the public Institutes was mostly effective. The graduates who got enrolled in Institute after their 12th standard have different views on its effectiveness than the graduates who got enrolled in the same Institute after the 10th standard. The study concluded that a technical skill has the power to facilitate gainful employment, but soft skill can magically sustain them in the organization.
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