Explorative Study on Leadership Styles of Heads of the Public Technical Training Institutes in Bhutan
The research is undertaken to ascertain leadership styles deployed by heads of public Technical Training Institutes (TTIs) in Bhutan. Quantitative research method was used for this study. A population of 160 staff members of six public TTIs was targeted where 122 staff members responded to the survey questionnaires. All the data were collected via Google Form and were analyzed with descriptive statistics.
The finding of the research revealed that democratic leadership style was most prevalent among the heads of public TTIs at high level with the mean score of 3.66. It was closely followed by laissez-faire leadership style with mean score of 3.58 at high-level. The least prevalent leadership style among the heads of public TTIs was found to be autocratic leadership style which scored moderate level with mean score of 3.27.
Thus, it was concluded that heads of the public TTIs employed all types of classical leadership styles though at different level. An in-depth study on leadership styles of heads of public technical institutes in Bhutan with various variables is proposed for future researchers
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