Influence of Sports and Games on Enhancing Students ‘Academic Performance in Public Secondary Schools in Nyamagana District
This study aimed at investigating the influence of sports and games in enhancing students’ academic performance in public secondary schools in Nyamagana district. The study employed mixed research approach and convergent research design. The participants involved in this study were 87 students, 8 sports and games teachers and 4 head of schools making the total of 99 respondents. Also, data were collected through questionnaires and interviews. Moreover, the quantitative data were analyzed using statistical packages for social sciences (SPSS) while qualitative data were analyzed through thematic data analysis. The findings of this study revealed that students’ participation in sports and games bring positive impacts on their academic performance. Sports and games promote cooperation and good relationship between students, teachers and other academicians. Also it was revealed that different challenges which face public schools in implementing sports and games were, lack of expert teachers in sports, lack of funds, poor government support, lack of sports and games facilities, lack of enough play grounds, and students’ misbehavior. Also, the findings identified different strategies schools should do to enhance sports and games successful such, giving rewards, sports competition, well planning of sports and games programs and lastly but not the least is dedicating enough time for sports. The study recommended that, in order to implement sports and games in public secondary schools, government should promote good policies which favor sports and games in secondary schools, and establishing sports and games academy for children, may help others to grow up with their carrier.
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