Analysis of Attributes determining Consumption of Rice in Adamawa State, Nigeria
The study was conducted in Adamawa State, Nigeria between June to November, 2019. The objective of the study was to investigate attributes which rice consumers consider when purchasing a particular type of rice. Specifically, it identifies attributes which local and imported rice consumers consider when choosing a particular rice type and examine the level of significant of these attributes in influencing choice of rice consumed in the area. The population of the study involved all the households in Adamawa State. However, the research used a sample size of 128 House Hold Heads (HHHs) for the work. Primary data was generated from the respondents through a well-structured questionnaire; however, only 120 questionnaires were retrieved and successfully used to accomplish the objective of the study. Logit regression and ordinary least square models were used to analyzed the data. The results revealed that consumers consider price of rice, swelling capacity, odor, suitability of recipe, cooking duration, taste, shape, and cleanness of a particular rice grain as an attribute before choosing a rice type as this was explained by pseudo R2 0.928 obtained from the logit model. The study concludes that, rice attributes such as swelling capacity, suitability of recipe, cleanliness, grain shape, cooking duration and aroma as well as taste significantly had effects in deciding type of rice to consume by rice consumers in Adamawa State as at the period of study. The study recommends that, any rice to be marketed in the area must be clean and free from unpleasant odor, have good shape, good swelling capacity, taste and suitable for preparation of different recipe. This can be achieved through improvement in research and use of modern processing technologies for both production and processing of rice.
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