The Effect of Blended Learning Instruction using Simplified Science Module on Students’ Academic Performance
In the new normal set-up, one of the ideal modes of teaching and learning used in the K-12 curriculum that is engaging and motivating is blended learning instruction. This study focused on the effect of blended learning instruction using simplified science module on the academic performance of Grade 11 students of Tawi-Tawi School of Arts and Trades (TTSAT) and Tawi-Tawi School of Fisheries (TTSF). This study made use of quasi-experimental design and had two sets of research instruments: the simplified science module used in blended learning instruction and the Pre-test and Post-test Questionnaire. The result revealed that there was an increase in the level of academic performance of students in both schools with blended learning instruction using simplified science module. It also revealed that blended learning instruction using simplified science module exhibits large effect in content standards such as Stellar Formation and Origin of Elements, Atomic Concept, and Chemical Reaction while medium effect on Properties of matter and Its Chemical Structure. There is a significant difference on the level of performance from pre-test to post-test of the said students in both schools. There is no significant difference on the extent of effect of blended learning instruction using simplified science module on the academic performance of the concerned students in both schools along the four content standards. Consequently, blended learning instruction using simplified science module is an effective way of engaging and motivating students to learn in both schools. Thus, schools should encourage teachers to engage students in blended learning instruction to achieve effective and meaningful learning.
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