Students’ Acceptance of Google Classroom for Teaching and Learning in Bhutanese Secondary Schools
The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that influence Bhutanese secondary students' behavioural intention and their despondency to accept google classroom platform as a learning management system. The study utilized structural equation modelling (SEM) to examine the direct effects using students self- reported answers. The endogenous variable was Behavior intention (BI) while the exogenous variables were perceived usefulness (PU); perceived ease of use (PEOU); facilitating conditions (FC), and tutor quality (TQ). The data for this study was collected from 340 secondary students from four schools under Thimphu district. The SEM analysis suggested that there was no evidence for a direct link between FC and TQ toward BI. However, a significant positive effect was found from FC>PEOU; TQ>PEOU; PEOU>PU; and finally, from PU>BI. The model proposed and tested in this study reveals that neither the FC nor TQ were strong determinants of secondary students’ behaviour intention to use GC.
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