The importance of employee involvement in work activities to overall productivity
In order for businesses to function efficiently, they should perform routine maintenance on their equipment and assets. This article aimed to evaluate the role and importance of employee involvement in work activities and their influence on overall productivity. The author selected several employee involvement dimensions (leadership, team work, training and career development, compensation, and organizational policies) to measure the impact on overall productivity. The current study used quantitative research methods to analyze and find the impact of employee involvement on overall productivity through the use of an academic questionnaire adopted from academic resources. The study targeted private sectors in the Kurdistan region of Iraq. The study was able to gather 97 questionnaires filled out properly by participants working in private sectors in the Kurdistan region of Iraq. According to the findings of the research, involvement and commitment appear to go hand in hand. Also, it is very likely that productivity will be affected by both the main effects of each factor and the effects of how these factors interact with each other.
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