Effective Implementation of Inclusive Education in Enhancing Quality Education in Public Primary Schools in Tanzania: The role of school culture
This study assessed the effective implementation of inclusive education in enhancing quality education in public primary schools in Tanzania. It specifically aimed at assessing the contribution of school culture in the implementation of inclusive education in public primary schools in Karagwe district. The study employed a mixed method approach and was guided by behaviorism theory. Respondents were sampled by purposive sampling and simple random sampling techniques. The target population included teachers, head teachers, Primary District Education Officer, Ward Education Officer, District Special Education Officer and Quality Assurance Officers. The sample size comprised of seventy-six respondents. Data were gathered using questionnaire, interview and observation methods. Quantitative data were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20 and thematic analysis method for qualitative data. The study findings revealed that schools’ culture plays a major role in the implementation of inclusive education in public primary schools in Karagwe district. The study recommends that, heads of schools should be given in-service trainings on the importance of school culture and its role in the promotion of school effectiveness. This is because the heads of schools have a major role to play in building the school cultures in their schools.
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