N.R.C. C.A.A. and the Changing Concept of Identity in Indian Perspective
Migrations of tribe, people, race from one place to another for socio-economic-political reasons are as old as evolution of human race. According to archeologists, the first hominid species originated from Africa had been migrated to all over the globe. However in modern era, migrants from one country to another withoutproper documents and legal process are characterized as “Illegal immigrants.” In 1947 A.D. the Indian Sub-continent had been broken in-to two separate Nation State of India and Pakistan as part of decolonization process from almost two century old British colonial regime. Very huge quantities of people had to migrate from both these two lands. The Indian Constitution had made provisions to provide Indian citizenship to the migrants through legal process. To determine who genuine Indian citizens were, the N.R.C. was first prepared in 1951. It was decided that migrants from Pakistan will be given Indian citizenship till the first January, 1966. However during the 1970s, Liberation war had been fought between Pakistan army and Bengali speaking resident of East Pakistan supported by Indian Govt. In this period, large amount of migrants from East Pakistan had been entered in different Indian provinces for economic-political stability. According to the book “Bangladesh Ke swatantra Sangram Mein Bharat Ka Yugdaan” authored by salaam Azad, the migrant no was 9899 305. After establishment of Bangladesh in 1971, Mujib Treaty was signed between India and the new Country. Indian Govt agreed to provide citizenship to all Bangladeshi migrant residing in Assam till 24.3.1971. The Assam accord signed by the Indian Govt. and Assam’s ethnic associations cemented the agreement. However during the last three decades illegal migration from Bangladesh to Assam had been increased rapidly. Out of 33 districts of Assam, 9 have been over crowded with these Bangladeshi illegal immigrants. This changed demography of these districts and native ethnic –religious groups became minorities in their forefathers’ land.
In 2012 a clash occurred between Bodo and Bangladeshi Muslims in the Bodoland territories in which more than 70 people had died. In this background, Assam Samhita Maha Sangh applied to Supreme Court for determining illegal migrants. In response, Indian Supreme Court ordered to update the N.R.C list in 2014.The process began in 2015. Out of 3.29 Corer applicants, 2.89 Cores have made to included themselves into the updated list. In 2016, the Indian govt. introduced Citizenship Ammendment Bill in house Of the People with the aim of providing Indian citizenship to Hindu, Sikh,Parsi, Christian, Jain and Buddhist illegal immigrants from Afganistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan. However this acts this facing criticism and protest from both opposition Indian political parties besides common masses. Several opposing party spoke person labeled this act and process as communal and anti-Muslim in nature. Besides, political parties, common people created mass protests against amendment of Indian citizenship through offline and online platform. In Sheen Bag, Delhi Muslim womenfolk actively protested. They set up community kitchen, political discourse arena, public library etc. This model was followed by other regional centers of protest through all over India.
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