Prevalence and Factors Associated with Hydatidiform Mole among Patients with Missed Abortion
A large number of studies have reported different prevalence rates for hydatidiform mole in different regions, making it difficult to determine the exact prevalence of this condition. There has been no previous study that has determined the prevalence of HM and the risk factors associated with it among patients who have had an missed abortion and were evacuated from the Medical Center and private hospitals in Erbil. Between August 2015 and October 2021, a total of 180 patients who had undergone amissed abortion were enrolled.. Participation in this study was voluntary and included one hundred and eighty patients with missed abortions who were scheduled for uterine evacuation. The prevalence of HM was 12.8 percent in the overall population. The vast majority of patients with HM (27.5 percent) were under the age of twenty-one years. Risk factors such as parity, contraceptive use, previous abortion, and blood group were not found to have a statistically significant association with the outcome. Prevalence of HM among patients with missed abortion was high (12.8 percent), with age between 15-20 years being the only significant risk factor associated with the presence of HM among those who had anmissed abortion. As a result, we recommend that evacuated products of conception be submitted for histopathological analysis in order to reduce the number of missed opportunities.
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